
For Chess fans and fanatics alike

Saturday, August 09, 2003

13. Random ICC Kibs

21-Dec-2004 (NY Masters Tourney)

Finegold(IM) kibitzes: kamsky-nakamura is like Jesus vs Santa

Braveheart-xx kibitzes: Kaspy and Krammy talking about their chess exploits in hotel lobby. Manager walks over and says, "sorry guys but we don't allow chess nuts boasting in an open foyer"

DBLquestionmark kibitzes: My wife just brought my dinner to me here at my computer so I could keep watching
ARenko whispers: tell your wife that if she'll divorce you, I'll marry her sight unseen


shatmang kibitzes: death is a rumor

Marshall04 kibitzes: stop making me giggle, it's freaking sarkar and stripunsky out

clank kibitzes: what is Fritz's IQ - ?

Fontanez kibitzes: at what part of your body u call ville , Small???

sparafucile kibitzes: I stink, therefore I am!

atimco kibitzes: tate the tate talk to the tate channel

AlekhinesGun kibitzes: Elo is like IQ--doesnt really mean much
BRAVEHEART-XX kibitzes: Einstein was a 'relatively' good player

On Bruce Pandolfini's ad on Chess.FM
whatisthis kibitzes: ill give him a counter intuative imperative right where it hurts

On the FIDE championship cycle:

hangin kibitzes: some day i am gonna retire to my own pawn island
ChessFm kibitzes: baaaaad
hangin kibitzes: yes chessfm, its true.. i gonna marry queen there.. our bishop will marry us and we will ride off on our knight to our lovely castle
Markyd kibitzes: where you will mate?
PawnPushr kibitzes: then you will be mated
astonewaller whispers: then 8 pawns will be born
PawnPushr kibitzes: but only once...
hangin kibitzes: right we will mate.. when our pawn cover leaves us
Markyd kibitzes: u will skewer the queen?
hangin kibitzes: no i will pin her
Markyd kibitzes: lol
hangin kibitzes: then fork her


They have won some awards, good for them!

Post by StoneHenge in Mig's Ninja forum with strong innuendo:
As long as you execute your moves properly, according to plan, then it is possible to mate your opponent in certain positions.
In such situations, I like to find a hole in my opponent's structure and plant a strong piece in it...

Heard on ICC while watching the game:

Oct 12th
mountebank kibitzes: conclusion..age is no match for beauty
(After Judit won against Karpov)

rehab is for quitters!

GM Federowiz: and finally Q takes f8...and that is just one line of murder.
"Mate him up a tree!"

Aug 26
bigmac kibitzes: man, this is older than tutenkamen
gla kibitzes: oooh, he blinked (following a "boring" phase of the game